The Groundwater Science Awards Program recognizes Illinoisans who have made outstanding groundwater science-based achievements in the management, protection, and utilization of groundwater. For purposes of these awards, groundwater science is broadly defined to include research, education, consulting service, water well construction, or public service as related to the scientific management, protection, and or utilization of groundwater. Any individual or organization, including private and government sectors, involved in the research, education, consulting service, water well service, or public service is eligible. An award may be presented from one of the following categories:
Research/Scientific AchievementPresented for outstanding achievements related to groundwater science. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of groundwater science, the award may recognize organizations, agencies, businesses or individuals. Public Information/Education
Presented to persons or organizations that have advanced the understanding of groundwater by preparing or presenting public information or education materials and programs to inform the public about groundwater issues.
The IGA Awards Committee chooses award recipients. The committee is composed of current membership representing state agencies, academia, the water well industry, and the consulting industry. Awards are presented during a regular meeting of the Association. The program was originally co-sponsored by the Illinois Groundwater Protection Education Program developed under the Illinois Groundwater Protection Act. The awards program began in 1993, a list of recipients can be found below.
Nominations will be accepted year round, with presentation of the awards during our Fall meeting. Further information can be obtained by contacting the IGA Director. Nomination forms may be obtained following the link provided: Nomination Form (doc) or Nomination Form (pdf).
Year | Awardee |
1993 |
Dr. Richard
C. Berg, Senior Geologist and Head of the Geologic Mapping Section,
Illinois State Geological Survey. Dr. John M. Shafer, University of South Carolina and former Head of the Hydrology Division, Illinois State Water Survey. Joan Bade, Environmental Sanitarian, Monroe & Randolph Bi-County Health Department. Gerald Rosenquist, Rosenquist and Sons Well Drilling, Rockford. |
1994 |
Keros Cartwright, Principal Geologist and Head of the Hydrology Research Laboratory, Illinois State Geological Survey. |
1995 |
Philip C. Reed,
Staff Geologist, Illinois State Geological Survey. Dr. John P. Kempton, Sr. Geologist Emeritus, Illinois State Geological Survey. |
1997 |
Thomas A. Prickett,
President, Thomas A. Prickett & Associates. |
1998 |
Ross Brower,
Staff Geologist, Illinois State Geological Survey. Ellis Sanderson, Hydrologist, Professional Engineer, and former Head of the Ground-Water Section, Illinois State Water Survey. |
2007 |
William Dixon,
Senior Environmental Geologist, Practical Environmental Consultants. Robert Sasman, Hydrologist, Illinois State Water Survey (retired). |
2008 |
Jerry Dalsin, Water Program Manager, Environmental Engineering Section, Illinois Department of Public Health |
2012 |
Allen Wehrmann, Illinois State Water Survey |
2013 |
Randy Locke, Illinois State Geological Survey |
2014 |
Ed Mehnert, Illinois State Geological Survey |
2015 |
Sam Panno , Illinois State Geological Survey |
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Year | Awardee |
1993 |
The POWER (Project Our Water and Environmental Resources) Project, Rockford. |
1994 |
Roger A. Kanerva,
Environmental Policy Advisor, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency,
Springfield. Dr. John W. Foster, Graduate Program Director & Associate Professor of Geology, Illinois State University, Normal. Clayton Simonson, Sanitarian, Division of Environmental Health, Illinois Department of Public Health, Rockford. Paul Kremmel, Resource Conservationist, Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District, Waterloo. DuPage County Health Department, Wheaton. |
1995 |
William M.
Ebert, Licensed Water Well & Pump Installation Contractor.
Harry Hendrickson, Groundwater Education Coordinator, Illinois Department of Energy & Natural Resources, Springfield. |
1996 |
The Illinois
Middle School Groundwater Project Team: Dr. Robert William, Project Director, Edwardsville; William Beckman, Northern Coordinator, Woodstock; William Donato, Central Coordinator, East Peoria; Mary Mondy, Southern Coordinator, Medora. Robert
D. Stain, Administrative Consultant, Mahomet Valley Water Authority.
1997 |
The Central
Groundwater Protection Planning Committee: Bill Compton, Chair; Pat Welch, Secretary. |
2000 |
Steve Esling,
Associate Professor of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Colin Booth, Associate Professor of Geology, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb |
2008 |
The Mahomet Aquifer Consortium, see www.mahometaquiferconsortium.org |
2012 |
Beverly Herzog, Illinois State Water Survey |
2013 |
Cassandra (McKinney) Torstenson, for work with McHenry County Resources Manager |
2013 |
Paul Schuch, for work with Kane County Water |
2015 |
Melissa Lenczewski , Associate Professor of Geology, Northern Illinois University, De Kalb |
2016 |
Ed Mehnert, Illinois State Geological Survey |
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